
A place to share our ideas, opinions and the stuff that is exciting us.

  • 25 February, 2022

    If you have long pages on your site, then it helps visitors if you can provide in-page navigation, or a table of contents.

  • 16 February, 2022

    New Relic is an excellent tool for improving and monitoring your Drupal installation however there are some atributes that are not available out of the box and require the creation of custom attributes. Here we will give a quick overview of how to do this.

  • 11 May, 2021

    The Children’s Code (or Age Appropriate Design Code to give its formal title) is a data protection code of practice for online services, such as apps, online games, and web and social media sites, likely to be accessed by children. It came into force on 2 September 2020 with a 12 month transition period to give

  • 20 April, 2021

    In the (not so distant) past when new versions of Drupal were released, the upgrade meant a hefty investment for a rebuild project. But with the release of Drupal 8 came a new way of thinking about how sites can be upgraded - moving from major version to major version would be as easy as any minor update. 

  • 14 February, 2021

    Drupal 8 is no longer going to be supported from November 2021. In order to prevent your website from security vulnerabilities you should plan the move to Drupal 9 is now. 

  • 17 January, 2021

    Websites and apps should be designed and developed in such a way that people with disabilities find them easy to use. As well as the legal obligations behind accessibility there are strong moral and also financial arguments behind developing accessible sites and apps.